Tips & Videos to Help You Get Started with dōTERRA

Making the Most of doTERRA's Essential Oils & Supplements

So You Can Take Care of Your Health At Home

COMING SOON-- This resource will be translated into Icelandic!

Essential Oils have been a huge part of our health story over the past 10 years.

We are excited to help you find ways to incorporate them into your day!

How to Use the A-Z Guide

How to Make a Roller Bottle

How to Make a Veggie Capsule

How to Use Your Diffuser

How to Clean Your Diffuser

How to Use Your Oils on the Go

*Coming soon!

Grab A Resource Guide

Our favorite resource for on the go essential oil knowledge is available as an App. It has an easy-to-navigate A-Z section, allowing you to identify ailments & top recommended essential oils as well as a comprehensive reference directory on doTERRA oils & products.

Make Their Home Smell Good

Clear Skin

& Healthy Hair

Flavor Their Favorite Recipes in the Kitchen

Address Annoying Health Issues

Support Their Children's Health

Support Their Pet's Health

Natural Cleaning & Personal Care

Emotional & Spiritual Support & Connection

Let's Have Some Fun!

Use the Buttons or Scroll Down for Some Quick Tips for each Category :)

Make Your Home Smell Good

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Essential Oils Made Simple Member's Area App.

Here are some quick ways to use your oils around the house:

  • Spice Up the Kitchen: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your unscented dish soap (we recommend using citrus oils as they help remove grease too!)

  • Perk Up the Bathroom: Put a drop of essential oil in your toilet paper roll to add a light fresh aroma to the air.

  • Home Refresh: Mix a spray bottle with water and 10-20 drops of Lemon, On Guard, or any oil you enjoy the smell of. Shake well and spray down curtains and fabrics for a spring refresh. Or spray down countertops after preparing food to purify the area.

  • Create a Home Aroma You Can't Wait to Come Home To: Diffuse 4-6 drops of your favorite essential oils or blends in your diffuser to purify the air and create a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Clear Skin & Healthy Hair

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area App.

Freshen Up Your Skin & Hair Routine:

  • Blemish Be Gone: Dab a small amount of Tea Tree oil or Frankincense on a blemish to speed it's healing.

  • Address Skin Irritations: Apply a small amount of Correct-X Healing Ointment to skin irritations to calm irritation and speed healing or to cuticles to keep them soft and healthy.

  • Soften Dry, Itchy Skin: Grab the Yarrow/Pom Serum from doTERRA or mix a skin support blend from our Jumpstart Guide to Roller Blends above.

  • Address Bumps, Bruises, and Scrapes: Mix the ever popular Owie Blend in a roller bottle (10 drops Tea Tree, 10 drops Lavender & 10 drops Frankincense topped with fractionated coconut oil).

  • Nourish Your Hair & Scalp: Mix 10 drops each of Rosemary, Thyme, and Ylang Ylang in a 10mL roller bottle. Add fractionated coconut oil. Shake well and apply to scalp before bed at night. You can also make a spray combining 2-3 drops each of Rosemary, Frankincense, Tea Tree, Lavender & Peppermint to a 1 oz (30ml) glass spray bottle. Fill with water & spray before bed to stimulate hair growth & to strengthen hair (best to part hair every 1/2 inch & spray on scalp daily). Works great for men too!

Flavor Their Favorite Recipes in the Kitchen

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area App.

Jazz Up Your Favorite Recipes:

  • Add Some Flavor to Your Frosting: Put your frosting into a bowl (store bought or make your own). Add 1 drop of your favorite oil: Wild Orange, Lemon, Lavender, Tangerine, Lime, or Ginger. Mix well and taste. You can add an extra drop and re-taste until the flavor is just right.

  • Ginger Lime Popcorn: Pop some fresh popcorn. Melt 1 tablespoon (around 15 ml) of unrefined extra virgin coconut oil and add 1 drop each of ginger essential oil and lime essential oil. Stir and drizzle over your fresh popcorn.

  • Add a Little Depth of Flavor to Your Spaghetti: Dip a toothpick in a bottle of Oregano essential oil and stir the toothpick into the sauce. Taste and add additional toothpicks if needed (Do NOT use a whole drop to start - it is typically too much).

  • Tangerine Peppermint Bark: Melt a 10oz (280 grams) bag of dark chocolate chips and 1 Tbsp (around 15 ml) of unrefined extra virgin coconut oil in a saucepan. Gently warm the chocolate and coconut oil until melted (stir continuously and pull it off as soon as it is smooth). Add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil and 3-5 drops of Tangerine essential oil to the chocolate mixture. Stir well. Pour the mixture onto parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for 10 minutes or until solid. Break up and serve.

Address Health Issues

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area.

Quick Relief So You Can Get on with Your Day:

  • Occasional Ear Discomfort: Put 1 drop Tea Tree Essential Oil on a cotton ball. Place in the ear (drop side facing in) and keep in place for 4-6 hours or overnight.

  • Cranky Stomach: Put 1 drop of Zengest in the palm of your hand with a squirt of fractionated coconut oil. Apply to the belly as needed for occasional stomach upset.

  • Ease Achy Head Tension: Apply 1 drop of lavender (with a little fractionated coconut oil) across the forehead and neck. Then layer 1 drop peppermint over the same area. Inhale deeply from hands after applying.

  • Soothe a burn or bug bite: Apply a single drop of lavender to the area of concern - do not use coconut oil, just dab the lavender right on the spot.

  • Sinus Steamer: Clear unhappy sinuses and open your airways with the sinus steamer. Add 1 drop of Air Blend or Tea Tree Essential oil to a mug of steaming hot water. Carefully inhale the vapors, taking breaks as needed, until the water cools. Be careful of the hot steam.

Support Your Children's Health

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area App.

Nothing is worse than kiddos who don't feel well. Help them feel better at home with your oils:

  • Occasional Ear Discomfort: Put 1 drop Tea Tree Essential Oil on a cotton ball. Place in the ear (drop side facing in) and keep in place for 4-6 hours or overnight.

  • Cranky Stomach: Put 2-3 drops of Lavender (for very young children) or Zengest in a 10mL roller with fractionated coconut oil. Rub onto belly with clockwise motions or onto bottom of feet. Be sure to cover area with socks or clothes.

  • Ease Discomfort Associated with Teething or Losing Their Teeth: Add 2-3 drops of Lavender essential oil to a 10mL roller bottle. Top with fractionated coconut oil, shake well and apply along the jaw line (do NOT put the oils in the child's mouth).

  • Soothe a burn or bug bite: Mix the Owie Blend for Kids by putting 2-5 drops each of Tea Tree Oil, Frankincense, and Lavender in a 10mL roller bottle. Top with fractionated coconut oil, shake well and apply to areas of concern as needed.

Support Your Pet's Health

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area App.

More and more people are looking for more natural ways to support their pets. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Find Out What your Pup Likes Best: Dogs have preferences just like people. As you begin to work with your dog and essential oils, it is important to introduce new oils in a passive way. Never force oils on your dog. Let your dog smell an oil by taking off the cap and holding it a foot or more from his body. He will let you know if he doesn't like it by moving away. Try this with a couple of oils and see what he or she seems most drawn to.

  • Calm an Anxious Dog: Mix 2-3 drops of lavender in a 10mL roller (for small dog, add a few more drops for bigger dogs) with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to pads of paws or massage into back of neck. Do NOT apply to their face.

  • Digestion Problems or Diarrhea: Mix 2-3 drops of Zengest in a 10mL roller (for small dogs, add a few more drops for bigger dogs) with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to belly a few times a day. Do NOT apply to their face.

  • What About Cats?? Cats are very different than dogs, they are much more sensitive to oils. We recommend grabbing a book written by a vet and following their guidelines for using oils with cats. Don't just follow random info on social media or the internet. You can find our recommended books in the Member's Area under Essential Oils Basics/Book Recommendations.

Natural Cleaning & Personal Care

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area App.

Swapping to more natural options at home doesn't have to be hard! Here are few quick tips:

  • Lemon Cleaning Scrub for Pots, Pans, Bathtubs, and more: In a bowl, mix 1 c. (250 ml) baking soda, 1/4 c. (60 ml) unscented castile soap, 1 Tbsp (15ml) water, 1 Tbsp (15 ml) white vinegar, 15 drops of Lemon Essential Oil. Mix thoroughly. Apply a thin layer to bathtub or sink and let sit for 10 minutes. Then scrub & rinse. Use as need for stove tops, pots, & pans. Store leftover for up to a week in an air tight container.

  • Freshen Your Fabrics: Add 10-20 drops of Purify Cleansing Blend or Lemon Essential Oil to an 8oz spray bottle. Fill with water. Shake well, then spray down curtains, couches, or other fabrics needing a refresh.

  • Kick the Dryer Sheets to the Curb: Purchase 3-6 wool dryer balls and put in your dryer. Add 2-4 drops of Purify, Lemon, Lavender, or any other oil you love the smell of to the dryer balls. Add wet clothes and dry as usual.

  • Prefer Done-for-You Products?? Check out doTERRA's line of cleaning & personal care products including laundry detergent, dishwasher pods, dish soap, all purpose cleaner, and more.

Emotional/Spiritual Support & Connection

There are even more recipes and ideas in our Exclusive Member's Area App.

Our emotional & spiritual health are just as important as our physical health. Here are some ways essential oils can help:

  • Spiritual Experience: Explore some of your tree oils as well as oils for focus to help you connect more deeply in prayer or meditation. Oils such as Frankincense, Black Spruce, Balance, InTune, Thinker, Basil, Peppermint, or Air are great places to start. Put 1 drop in your hands, rub them together and inhale deeply, or diffuse.

  • Calm Your Nervous System on the Go: Grab a calming oil like Adaptiv, Lavender, Frankincense, or Balance. Put 1 drop in your hands, rub them together and inhale deeply.

  • Use Oils Preventatively: Mix the Chill Out Roller blend with 15 drops each of Serenity and Balance. Apply to chest and throat 3-4x a day, inhaling deeply from hands after applying.

  • Daily Dose of Goodness: Add in the Lifelong Vitality Supplements with morning & lunch. Oftentimes nutritional support can make a huge difference in our emotional states.

  • A Little Extra Support: Take 1-2 Adaptiv Capsules or a Copaiba Softgels each night before bed to support healthy emotions.

Earn Points Back with doTERRA's Loyalty Rewards Program

doTERRA has an optional program called Loyalty Rewards (LRP) which rewards you with points for monthly purchases that you can use to redeem for FREE doTERRA products! There are no hidden rules & it's easy to cancel. The longer you participate, the more point credits you can earn--up to 30% of your total monthly loyalty orders. It's the smartest way to take advantage of your doTERRA wholesale account! 

We also have a special points promotion that is exclusive to our team community as an incentive to offset the cost of shipping into Iceland through June, 2024 (hopefully that can be extended!). Beyond the percentage back you will receive from doTERRA by ordering through the Loyalty Rewards Program, you will also receive an additional 15-35 points (depending on your order). These points can be redeemed for free products! Simply place your order through the doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Program & you'll see the points added to your account the following month!

See image below for details!

Make the Most of your Essential Oils - Create Your Perfect Daily Protocol.

This is Just the Beginning. As a Member of Our Community, you have access to our exclusive Member's Area with additional FREE resources!

If you have liked the information shared on this page & are member of our community, we invite you to jump into one of our Oil Camps in our Member's Area! Our Oil Camp 1 covers the top 10 oils, DIY's, safety & how to get the most from your membership. Oil Camp 2: Wellness For Life, dives into education on each layer of the Wellness Pyramid-- including nutrition, metabolic health, rest, movement, stress & reducing toxic load. These resources & more are in our Member's Area!

Our Inspiring Wellness team community is passionate about helping individuals, families & health care practitioners to reach greater physical, emotional and financial wellness. Whether you are learning about the benefits of essential oils & foundational wellness for the first time, or are interested in building a business with doTERRA, we are so excited to connect & support you.